4 Hero

Jim Kerr (JKERR@pharoshealth.com)
Mon, 1 Dec 1997 09:19:21 -0500

So ate too much sweet potatoes over Thanksgiving and spent far too much
on vinyl but one that got away is 4 Hero mini-album (Earth _____?) which
jettisoned in favor of the Luv n Haight Mighty Ryeders comp in spite of
what sounded like some very nice d&b low vibes and lots of lovely
'cello. I have an idea however that there is LP ("2 Pages"?) out or
about to come out in the UK. In URB last issue an interview with one of
these guys in which they talk about the forthcoming album but neglect to
give a title. Anyone have this? and has anyone seen in US? I was drawing
blanks all day Friday...