Re: Compilation..

Elson Trinidad (
Sun, 05 Jan 1997 14:05:35 -0800

At 04.30 PM 1/5/97 -0800, Jason Brancazio wrote:
>have to worry about. So I just want to remind the group is that for this
>thing to happen, we should choose those coordinators *now* and then let them
>go to work. I don't know how we can easily do that but I'll put in a vote
>Elson, providing he indicates that he has time. I would be very happy to
>out in that role as well.

Eeek... If you came up to me on the street and asked what it is I do in
this world, I guess I would say I plan things and try to make them happen,
because I'm disappointed that people who should be doing these things
aren't. I'm already doing lots of "planning and organizing" in my
community, in my city (both not music-related), in my band, in my local AJ
scene. I already have a lot of projects to deal with.

What I'm trying to say is, if you're looking for a *main* coordinator, I
don't think I can do it. If we end up with 3-4 coordinators with
specialized duties, yes, I would be interested.

Elson Trinidad

Los Angeles, CA, USA *