Jamiroquai in April

Cosmic Girlie (keira@gibnet.gi)
Fri, 24 Jan 1997 10:25:35 +0100

Hi (again!)

Is anyone going to see Jamiroquai in *Manchester* on April 19th?
I'm flying over specially for that and it would be nice to meet a few
people ...we could all go out after the gig or something ;)

_ =A4 =A4 Keira =A4 =A4 |http://www.gibnet.gi/~keira
/_\ |http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/1977
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/ O o \ #Jamiroquai |Keira@gibnet.gi
\ o / #Loiscla #Acro |CosmicGirl@CyberJunkie.com
\ O / #Chaos #Riskybus|JayKay@DazedAndConfused.com
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