Re: Jazzhole

Dave Steinhart (
Sun, 2 Mar 1997 20:54:31 -0700 (MST)

Reply to Kurt Iveson:
> discussion on this list I might share a recent on with everyone. Just
> picked up "...and the feeling goes round" by The Jazzhole coz it was real
> cheap. Didn't really know what to expect and it turned out to be amazing!
> It's a couple of years old ('95) but still worth picking up if you dig lots
> of great playing ... really interesting combinations of great jazz guitar,
> upright and electric bass, funky drumming, rapping and singing and lots of
> other shit in between. The cover of Shining Star is also a real treat for
> any Earth Wind and Fire fans out there...

To Kurt & others...can you please post label info for reviews like this?
It would really help us track down these puppies.
