Re: techno / black music

Sat, 04 Apr 98 13:57:00 +0200

P> anyone ever heard of white music? ;^)

I don't know if this is intended as a joke, I mean, the other way
round, but anyway there sure is music I would call white music -
take for example rock or heavy metal. Origins of rock go back to
blues alright, but the whole sound in rock / pop music nowadays
is predominantly european. And even more that for classical european
Well of course it is stupid to attach colours to a kind of music.
What counts is the culture, the environment you live in. I guess
this just goes back to the fact that people still pretty much spend
their time with people from the same background and often with
the same skin colour, but I guess it's getting better as people
travel more and stuff.
I probably had a point but along the line it got lost. Sorry.

 * KWQ/2 1.2i NR * "Toisinaan on mukavaa puhua ruotsia."