Re: Yellow productions
Fri, 10 Apr 1998 16:06:11 -0500 (CDT)

Try I thought I saw it there last time I checked the site
out. If not, see if you can directly go to yellow's page. jl


"If you didn't want this, and I didn't need it, then why has this

interest become an addiction. If you didn't want it, then why

can't you do without." -Deep Blue Something

"Lay down your cross child and dance with me, everyone everywhere

got their own cross to bear, lay down your cross child and dance

with me." -Deep Blue Something

John "Jay" Lizaso liza3116 - 454-4642


On Fri, 10 Apr 1998, Araya, Juan Carlos (Juan)** JV ** wrote:

> Help!
> I'm looking for some material from Yellow Products, such La Yellow
> Collection. Where on the net can I pick some up?
> Juano