Re: Massive Attack Live

Joseph Russavage (
Tue, 07 Jul 1998 09:53:47 -0500

i agree with you completely. there are many artists that i love and
adore, but if they can't muster anything for a live performance then
there is no reason to see it. it isn't enough to be the band. you have
to have enthusiasm and creativity of some sort.

i think a prime example is when bjork played the worcester palladium.i
shelled out my hard earned cash and when she cancelled her show and set
the date back a weeke it just happened to fall on a really bad day. so i
think i took my exams, gathered friends and flew (not literally) to the
commuter rail station so we could see her. we took the train out an hour
and got to the palladium at about 7:30. i think doors had been open for
over an hour. we got in there and found our little sardine place in the
crowd. and waited.about 8 bjork's cute little voice came on announcing
her good dj friend (who must have been a good friend, because he wasn't
much of a dj). he proceeded to numb us for the next 45 minutes or so,
while we waited. after he left we continued to wait, knowing that bjork
is just sitting in the back not keeping off the stage for any reason in
particular. eventually she came on stage and played for a little over an
hour. honestly i've seen opening bands play for longer. and, aside from
the fact that her dj couldn't keep in place with the music, it was
exactly the same as on cd.

i know i didn't suffer. in fact the show was alright. but i don't think
artists realize that when we go to the show we put effort into it. it
would be nice if they did a little more than used the performance as a
uniquely lit studio practice jam. please, play something different, play
something differently, tell us a story. do something so that we don't
just feel like we're listening to their cd put on shuffle and played on
a crappy stereo system turned way up. i can do that in my home.

i'll get off my little soapbox now.


p.s. - personally, i dislike seated venues a great deal. sometimes they
are quite unbearable. especially if it's something that should make you
want to move, to dance, to at least close your eyes and rock back and
forth. seats can be a major downer.

p.p.s. - thanks to all who gave me places to listen to good music over
real audio. you make the work day much more bearable.

p.p.p.s. - yes, the world community can be acknowledged, but must it be
for so many days in a row. at least send your little tiffs only to each
other. i'll watch sports talk if i want ot hear a bunch of guys talk
about the cup (and i am a soccer fan, i just don't think this list is
the place)

p.p.p.p.s. - to bjork: please dont cry and/or kill me.