Re: properllerheads--the full-length domestic release

Wed, 4 Mar 98 09:46:40 -0000

>Didn't catch amp, but the propellerheads tune is a goodie :) history
>repeating is the name. it is shirley bassey definitely worth getting hold

Saw the Amp program and had the same response as the first post--great
stuff. I'm a Shirley Bassey fan from way back--and now with great backup.
Have been trying to find something domestically on CD by the
Propellerheads for months with no luck but checked again and the
full-length ("Decksanddrumsand....") with "history repeating" will be out
March 24th, according to both CDnow and CDuniverse. Both have it on sale
for $10.99 and $10.49, respectively.

By the way, the only other song on that Amp program that had "the sound"
was "Bug Powder Dust" by Bomb the Base (from the album "Clear"). Question
is, haven't they put out another full-length yet? It's about time.

Oh, and speaking of CDuniverse, why are they making such a big deal out
to the new Goldie album? The reviews so far on the list have been pretty
negative so I scratched it from my list. Is it just because it's really a
"poppish" production with wider commercial appeal?
