I can only speak for myself, but I'm into this for the love of dance
music. Well, not as much for the dancing itself but more for the sound
and the beat.
This was what first got me into the "acidjazz" sound - it was a new
type of dance music; it wasn't dull techno, hyped acid, or silly
disco. It provided another type of music that made more sense and at
the same time could be played in clubs. AJ sometimes had good lyrics,
it had influences from jazz, old funk and soul, etc.
To me drum&bass is, just as acidjazz, another style of dance
music and it works for me because of the very same reasons. A lot of the
producers of drum&bass used to play acidjazz back then, didn't they?
Simply a natural development perhaps?
Playing right now:
Gus Gus, Polydistortion. Music from Iceland. Way better than Bjork.
London's KissFM. What a crap radio we have in Sweden in comparison to
Erik.Boralv@CMD.UU.SE Webmaster: http://www.cmd.uu.se/AcidJazz/
Center for Human-Computer Studies Admin : acid-jazz@ucsd.edu
Uppsala University, SWEDEN