Re: melodic electronica...
Elson Trinidad
Wed, 11 Mar 1998 22:04:48 -0800
At 04:23 PM 3/12/98 +1100, wrote:
>well thats a bit of a generalisation, dont you think??? i dont know
>about this 'electonica' thing you mention but if you have ever heard
>any real detroit techno like carl craig, neil ollivierra, claude
>young, kenny larkin or stacey pullen you will hear amazing original
>creative music that of course contains melody. your comments make it sound
>like melody is only simple & easy to hum along with. what about jazz &
>classical music?
First off, I'd appreciate it if you tone down your method of rebuttal. I
was discussing about music, not insulting your mother. "That's a bit of a
generalisation..." "Your comments sound like..." My comments are my
comments. Did you want me to say something that would make you happy?
Anyway, back to the discussion. Whistling and humming are everyone's
musical instrument. Not everyone can sing, not everyone can play a trumpet,
not everyone can mix and beat-match, but everyone can whistle and hum
something from memory...from memory...a melodic statement that is
*memorable*. Get what I'm trying to say? And what about jazz and classical
music? People whistle and hum Mozart all the time. Folks walk out of jazz
clubs humming the heads of their favorite jazz tune played by the band that
night. It happens in all forms of music...or at least it should.
- 30 -
:. e l s o n t r i n i d a d
:. :.
:. los angeles, california, usa
your opinions are just as wrong as mine.