Brain (who replaced Herb as Primus' drummer) works together with Dj Disk
(who isnt any longer a part of the Skratch Piklz) and a guitarist called
Buckethead. Their band is called "Giant Robot 2" and should be dropping
a album this year. Dj Disk will allso soon drop a album on Bomb HipHop
Records called "The Album: Ancient Termites" which features guest
apearances by both Brain and Buckethead.
Last year Brain and Dj Disk released a breakbeat 12" (more like a long
EP) called ..uhm.. Marsmellow Bellyflop Breaks..or something like that..
i have it but ive hardly listened to it yet, as far as i can remember
its good.
AND... Dj Disk is working on a Primus remix album (turntable tracks
based on Primus songs)... Aparently Dj Disk have been working with
Primus for years. I have this old Primus live video where Les Claypool
battles some DJ, and i recently found out that its Dj Disk. Right now Dj
Disk is touring the US with Primus.
Bevan at Bomb Australia have promised me a videotape of Giant Robot 2's
only live show ever + a promo of the upcoming Disk LP... if he comes
trough with it ill do a lil review.