Re: New Purchases: Erik Truffaz, J5, Quincy Jones

From: Mark Allerton (
Date: Sat Jul 01 2000 - 01:16:32 MET DST

  • Next message: Derek McNeill: "Re: Krush-information"

    I finally got around to checking out Erik Truffaz, on the basis of your review. I'm pretty glad I did. That drummer!

    But... the album that's available here is "Bending New Corners", which has a similar but not identical track listing to "Mask". I notice that (as least as far as I can tell from the pix @ CDNow) the cover of "Mask" doesn't mention Nya - the deeply suspect rapper that appears on four of the tracks on "Bending New Corners". If he doesn't appear, this would probably make "Mask" worth getting as well... :-)
      ----- Original Message -----
      From: Steve Catanzaro
      To: acid jazz
      Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2000 11:45 PM
      Subject: New Purchases: Erik Truffaz, J5, Quincy Jones

      Erik Truffaz, The Mask (Blue Note, 2000); Hey, I thought jazz (i.e., a group of live musicians playing improvised music in real time) was supposed to be dead! Well, this is an _extremely_ enjoyable record that manages to sound classic and modern all at once.

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