RE: Blue Note: Flushing jazz down the toilet

From: Jason Martin (
Date: Wed May 10 2000 - 08:08:31 MET DST

  • Next message: "RE: Blue Note: Flushing jazz down the toilet"

    Good to see a very relevant and totally interesting discussion like this come
    up. Everyone should have an opinion on the most important form of music for
    this century and the direction (or lack of) that it is taking currently..

    >So, maybe it's got a purpose in turning some jazz-inclined hip hoppers on to
    the real thing... the classic Blue Note era records of the 50's and 60's,
    maybe the greatest music ever recorded! But that brings me to point 2....

    As raised I suspect Blue Notes primary purpose for these reissues is
    financial. Its good to see them out, but saturation becomes boring. As
    philip mentioned, their audience is really the casual listener, not avid

    >Well now, there are music schools of jazz, with >degrees and everything, and
    the result of this >mentality can be heard on "New Directions in Jazz."

    >Shouldn't the new jazz artists be CREATING new >frontiers, as opposed to the
    mildly interesting >TWEAKING to the classic tradition so many of 'em do?

    If only... I guess any music form has its 'golden era' and as much as i hate
    to say it, jazz has well and truly had its time. The Marselis' of current
    jazz times seem intent on reviving old forms and standards without really
    giving a new and innovative bent. The newest jazz sounds I own would be from
    the mid/late 70's and even those recordings would make jazz purists cringe (as
    so much of that times music did)!


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