RE: Parties and such

From: Mark Turner (
Date: Fri May 25 2001 - 08:00:01 CEST

  • Next message: Beau J. Young: "demf"

    > Hey All:
    > I am pretty new to the list and the scene, as well. I live in
    > San Francisco
    > and I know there is a huge scene here; I'm just not sure where to get
    > started finding out about some good parties / dance clubs. I
    > fond that I am
    > into the jazzier side of dance music (example: I am more than
    > diggin' that
    > St. Germain album, Tourist, that this list turned me on to) and i
    > would love
    > to find out where to go to dance to music in that vein as well as
    > where to
    > find more stuff like that to listen to. Any suggestions would be greatly
    > appreciated.

    You can rarely go wrong at 111 Minna on Friday nights and the Hush Hush on
    Saturday nights. Also keep an eye on the Elbo Room 'cause they often have
    some memorable bands and DJs. For more info, check out the Event Calendar on
    my website, (Scroll down past the special events and
    you'll find the weekly listings.) I try to list all the weeklies that I have
    personally been to and doubt there's a lot more out there that
    I'm missing out on. But it's a start! :-)

    Mark Turner

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