New Karl Denson...

John Bas (
Sat, 26 Aug 1995 15:54:45 -0700 (PDT)

There's been quite a lot of talk lately about the Greyboy Allstars
here on the list, and for good reason, they're one hell of a great
band. Yet, I haven't heard any posts on Karl's new release "D Stands
for Diesel," on Greyboy Records. I have had the release for quite
some time now, and the word is...go out and buy it!! It's a great
mix of his more traditional style (solo) releases, backed by the
terrific yet funky Allstars. The two tracks written by keyboardist
Robert Walters are the funkiest ever! If you enjoyed the "West Coast
Boogaloo" release, this new release will be a fine companion.

I just wanted to know why Elgin (Allstar guitarist) didn't play on
more of the tracks, and who exactly is Andy Bey on the two guest
vocal tracks?

Teresa, please tell Robert, wonderful work on this new release, and I
think you stated awhile back that he might have a solo release that
will definitely be well anticpated...Thanks again.

p.s. No advertisement here...Just an extreme appreciation for good
