Charlie Hunter Conference

DJ Lo-Ki (
Tue, 29 Aug 1995 13:49:57 -0400

Hey all, I'm really pumped for an IRC chat with UFO and posse!
that's going to be really cool (although the fact that it will be at 2am
here doesn't make me all that glad) I really hope that IRC will become more
popular because it really is a different way to interview artists, and the
results can be a lot cooler than traditional media.

I got some e-mail asking me for the IRC address for the Charlie
Hunter Trio conference Thursday, so I'm posting it here: you can set your
IRC client to look up "", and then go to channel "#hunter"
(the channel name MAY be slightly different, probobly not, but in that
unlikely case, you should be able to get a list of open channels from your
IRC client and the choice will be clear.) As usual, any questions or RSVPs
email me at "".

Peace Out,
