Ephemerality of uniqueness
Tue, 19 Dec 95 13:40:44 PST
> ...when things start becoming mainstream and trendy, the "coolness"
> of it all seems to disappear.
I was on another music list for a spell and we chatted about this one.
Why would it matter whether a few people or a few million people
listened to the same music I like?
Here's an experiment I'm in the midst of and highly recommend. Two
years ago I junked my TV, since then I've ignored the radio and have
gone to one movie, and you know what? Now I don't give a shit what's
popular or not. I'm not for trends or against trends, I am
unconcerened about trends. My friends pass CDs my way and I listen to
them without bother of any need to be unique or cutting edge. The
focus is back on the music.