to Barrie K Sharpe and Diana Browns "The Masterplan" in about 1990.
I think the actual track was recorded in about 1987, and featured Marco
before he left to become a Young Disciple, and Jan Kincaid before he became
a Heavy. Hence "Diana Brown and the Brothers" became Diana Brown and
Barrie K Sharpe.
The original Sweet Charles version was released in the UK at about the same
I know you can still get the masterplan on Acid Jazz records, I dont know
"Yes Its You" is on the flip side though
Hope this is of some help
From: list-relay
To: acid-jazz
Subject: Some Help
Date: 19 December 1995 11:21
Hey All,
I've been looking for a vinyl copy of a song called "Yes It's You" by
Diana and the Brothers on FFRR records. Does anyone know anything about
this song? Any tips on a place that might have it and will do mail order?