Re: Solaar Lyrics... (Some of them..) (fwd)

Gregory B Beuthin (gregbb@uhunix.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu)
Tue, 13 Jun 1995 16:31:35 -1000

OK- here are the lyrics to "Qui Seme le Vent" and "Bouge de la" from MC
Solaar's first album. Thanks to Bambi for additional corrections (marked
by the *), most of which I've kept.... ;-) Also, he's offered to do the
lyrics to Caroline sometime (good luck...).

>MC Solaar: "Qui Seme le Vent Recolte le Tempo"
> "Who sows the wind reaps the tempo"
>Un break de batterie, coule sur la FM
> A drum break floats on the FM
>Il se mele a mon sang et fait de moi un phenomene
> It mixes with my blood and makes me a phenomenon
>Etrange, la cadence a fleur de peau
> Strange, the superficial beat
>5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Tempo
> 5 4 3 2 1 Tempo (duh...)
>Le vent se leve pour dire que mon karma
> The wind picks up to say that my karma
>Suit la cadence qui me mene au Nirvana
> Follows the beat that brings me to Nirvana
>Ensorcele, le pacte est scelle
> Bewitched, the pact is sealed
>La beaute du corps, sans efforts, c'est de danser
> The beauty of the body, without effort, is to dance
>On me traite de traitre quand je traite de la defaite de silence
* I'm bein' called a traitor when I discuss the defeat of silence
>La silence est d'or, mais je choisi la cadence
> Silence is golden, but I choose the beat
>Une vague, un cyclone, que dit la meteo?
> A wave, a cyclone, what does the wheatherman say?
>Qui seme.....
> Who sows....
>Chaque mot, chaque phrase dit avec emphase
> Each word, each phrase, said with emphasis
>Fait de Claude MC le commando de la phrase
> Makes Claude MC the word commando
(Claude is Solaar's first name)
>Le tempo est roi dans l'arene musicale
* the tempo is king in the musical arena (also sounds like "in the
musical queen")
>Les renes sont a moi, torero lexical
> The (horse) reins are mine (also sounds like "the queens are
> mine), the lexicon torero
>Matador, pret pour la mise a mort, apres le corps a corps
* Matador, ready for the kill after the hand-to-hand fight
>Alors fait un effort, remue ton corps plus fort
> So make an effort, shake your body even more
>On est d'accord, pas de temps mort mais sache pourquoi
> We are agreed, no lost time but understand why
>Parce que le tempo est roi
> Because the beat is king
>Le parametre est paranormal, que dire? que dalle!
> (Is there a double-entendre here?) The parameter is
> paranormal, what to say? Nothing! ("Nada" is a good slang
> translation)
>Claude MC s'installe, ancre dans les annales
> Claude MC moves in, anchored in the annals
>Exemples: le rock, le salsa, le twist et le reggae
> Examples: rock, salsa, twist and reggae
>Petit a petit sans faire de bruit se sont imposes
* little by little imposed themselves discreetly
> Because....
>Qui seme....
> Who sows....
>Au nom de pere, du fils et de Claude MC
> In the name of the father, the son and Claude MC
>Solaar vous invite dans les rap party
> Solaar invites you to the rap parties
>Car j'suis un MC d'attack, sans tic, authentique pas en toc
* cauz I'm an attack MC, without flows, authentic and not an imitation
>Pret a frapper sur le beat pour le movement hip-hop
> Ready to hit the beat for the hip-hop movement
>Coute que coute j'ecoute et je goute
> Blow for blow I listen and I taste
>Cette solution acqueuse qui les rend heureuses
> This solution I got (also "aqueous solution") that makes
> them happy
>C'est du rap liquide fluide cree par un druide un peu speed
* it's liquid rap, fluid, made by a fast druid
>("speed" also connotates speed, the drug. :-))
>Qui file comme bolide pour ne pas faire un bide
* which cruises like a (bolide = very fast vehicle) so not to make
any mistake
>Du rap d'attaque qui frappe, epate, matraque et patatraque
> Attack rap that hits, stuns, bludgeons and "crack! pow!
> zing!" 's ("patatras" is a word for loud bursts of noise
> like the old Batman shows)
>Plus de sang tu claques, j'suis MC des carpates
* no more blood, you die! I'm MC from the carpates (= mountains
somewhere in eastern europe, maybe around transylviana I think,
around where vampyres started their shit :) sorry, I'm not a vampyre
>Un MC veridique, authentique sans aucune panique
> A truthful MC, authentic without any panic
>Pret a frapper sur le beat, alors mon ami ecoute bien cette
>musique, car
> Ready to hit the beat, so my friend listen well to this
> music, coz
>Qui seme....
> Who sows....
>Le pedagogue en vogue au nom du code Solaar ou Claude MC
> The fashionable pedagoue (*you* look up the English stuff)
> with the code name Solaar or Claude MC
* pedagogue = someone who has the ability to teach, let's call
it teacher
>Te propose d'ecouter ceci
> Proposes you listen to this
>Qu'on epele les voyelles, des qu'on sonne les consonnes
> That we spell the vowels as soon as we ring out the
> constanants
>La musique est bonne
> The music is good
>Je prend souvent le temps d'aller de l'avant
* I often take little time to move forward
>Je ne perd pas un instant, car c'est de l'argent
> I don't lose a moment, because it's money
>L'argent ne fait pas le bonheur, fait-il le malheur?
> Money doesn't make happiness, does it make sadness?
>Pas de morale sur ces quelques mots
> No moral in these few words
>Qui seme....
> Who sows....

good job gregg :)

>"Bouge de La"
> "Get outta here"
>Tout a commence dans la ville qu'on appelle Maisons-Alfort
> Everything started in a town we called Maisons-Alfort (semi-
> ghetto suburb? Anyone know more?)
* yeah, Maisons-Alfort is an HLM (limited-income residence)
project I think
>Quand je vois une fatma chelou qui fait bouger sons corps
* chelou = verlan for louche (= "louche" with switched syllabus)
* -> when I see a weird fatimah wigglin her body at me
>Elle me dit "MC Solaar, viens-la qu'j'te donne du reconfort"
> She said to me, "MC Solaar, come here so I can comfort you"
>J'ai dit, "Non, merci, c'est tres gentil, je ne mange pas de
> I said, "No thanks, that's nice, but I don't eat pork."
>(Haaaaaaaaaaaaahaaahaaaaa haa haa- my favorite line... ;-)
* not often that Solaar has a bad word for a woman, but here he is
talking about a hooker and it sounds humorous rather than
discriminating in this context. plus of course he refers to the muslim
religion ("fatma" and not eating pork)
>Bouge de la
> Get outta here
>Je continue mon trajet, j'arrive la gare de Lyon
> I continue my trip, and arrive at the gare de Lyon (Paris
> train station "facing" Lyon, as opposed to the North
> station, etc. If I remeber correctly, g. de L. is in the
> southern area (obviously) and therefore in a lower-income
> area?).
>Quand je vois un gars que se dit vraiment tres fort comme un lion
> When I see a guy who says he is (?) as strong as a lion
>Il me dit "Claude MC est-ce que tu veux qu'on se boxe"
> He says to me "Claude MC, do you want to fight?"
>Ses hematomes etaient plus gros que les seins de Samantha Fox
> His bruises were bigger than Samantha Fox's
> breasts (S. Fox is a British pop singer famous as much for
> her pinup posters featuring her huge breasts as well as her
> pop-lite (tm) songs).
>Bouge de la
> Get outta here
>Ma voisine de palier, elle s'appelle Cassandre
> My neighbor across the landing, her name is Cassandre
>Elle a un petit chien qu'elle appelle Alexandre
> She has a little dog she calls Alexander
>Elle me dit "Claude MC est-ce que tu veux le descendre"
> She said to me, "Claude MC, could you take him out?"
* le descendre = "take him out" and also = "kill him"
>(Sound of a gunshot)
>J'ai pris mon Magnum, j'ai du mal comprendre
> I grabbed my Magnum, I must have misundertood (obviously,
> glocks haven't caught on as the weapon of choice)
>Bouge de la
> Get outta here
>Directement, je suis alle chez Lucie
> Right after I went to Lucie's
>Qui aime les chiens, les chats et trente millions d'amis
> Who likes cats, dogs, and 30 million friends ("Trente
> millions d'amis" is a monthly French animal magazine,
> featuring large pictures of fluffy puppies and goofy cats
> designed to promote a love for pets, and desire to adopt one
> of the thousands abandoned each summer as families go on
> vacation. I think the number is supposed to represent the
> number of pets in France.)
>Elle me dit, "T'aimes les animaux, toi mon super MC?"
> She asked me, "Do you like animals, you my super MC?"
>J'ai dit, "Oui j'adore, avec du sel et biens cuits"
> I said, "Yes, I love them, with salt and well cooked."
>Bouge de la
> Get outta here
>Plus tard dans le metro y'a un charclo qui traine
> Later in the metro there's this bum (??) who's hanging
> around
* charclo = clochard = bum. (once again, reversed syllabus)
>Il me raconte toute sa vie, il me dit qu'il vient de Rennes
> He tells me his life story, and says he's from Rennes
>Ensuite il me dit qu'il pue, qu'il faudrait qu'il se baigne
> Then he tells me he stinks, and that he should take a bath
>(Sound of water splashing)
>J'lui dis "Jette-toi dans l'egout, t'arrive direct dans la
> I told him, "Throw yourself in the sewer, you'll end up in
> the Seine."
>Bouge de la
> Get outta here
>Je continue mon trajet, j'arrive vers le boul'vard Barbes
> I continue my journey, I arrive by the Barbes Bvld.
barbes blvd = street with lots of north-african vendors
>Quand je vois un marocain qui venait de Marrakech
> When I see a Morrocan who's from Marrakech
>Il me dit "Arwah, arwah, j't'achete des rap en dinars"
> He says "Arwah, arwah, I'll buy your raps in dinars"
* dinar = tunisian currancy (should have been dirham since the dude is from
* morocco, but dirham doesn't rhyme with Solaar :)
* arwah is sort of a maghrebin "c'mon"
>(I think "arwah" is actually a spoof on how they speak- I've
>never heard that one. Aywah habibi- yes. Arwah- no.)
>J'ai dit "non, j'veux des dollars car on m'appelle Solaar"
> I said, "No, I want dollars because I'm Solaar"
>(The blacks and Morrocans don't necessarily hate each other-
>kinda like the Hispanics and blacks in the US. Sometimes they
>are friends, sometimes they would rather kill each other. So I
>don't think he's slamming the Morrocans, really. Especially
>since a bunch of them sing together on another song.)
* he is definitely not slamming them
>Bouge de la
> Get outta here
>Alors, j'ai bouge, j'ai du m'en aller, bifurquer
>J'ai du m'evader, j'ai du m'eclipser, j'ai du me camoufler
> (This is all various ways of saying "I boogied, I bailed, I
> hot-trotted, I took the high road, I took the A-train.")
> Literally, "So I moved, I had to leave, fork out, I had to
> evade, I had to eclipse myself, I had to disguise myself."
>J'ai du disparaitre, pour reapparaitre
> I had to disappear, to reappear.