my take on music

Gordon K. Hurd (
Mon, 9 Oct 95 20:50 PDT

I thought I'd join in a little on this abstract thread we have going on.
One of the first really philosophical discussions I've seen since I joined
the list.

One thing that I grabbed onto via Bambi's last post was the point of
expressing oneself. I feel that this is really what music is about. Express
your feelings. Express them to another person, maybe even only yourself.
But it is that communication of expression, or expression of communication
maybe, that makes music what it is--powerful, evocative, cleansing,
disturbing, energizing, soothing, and so on, and so on.

It's that whole communication aspect that gets me excited and addicted to
music. I've always had a problem expressing what I feel in the clumsy,
sometimes misleading communications tool we call speaking. That's why I
write, that's why I used to play music, and all the other pursuits I spend
my time on. The very fact that by choosing a particular song on a
particular album by a particular group (to use DJ'ing as an example) you
can clue someone in as to how you're feeling, or substantiate a pervading
feeling amongst a crowd, that's amazing.

Make the air vibrate with your horn, or your keyboard, or your speakers, or
your drum, or even your plastic comb and kleenex. Do that and you make
someone's eardrum vibrate, thusly vibrating their minds, their emotions,
their body. Frankly, I'm a little overwhelmed by it all. Some say music is
life, I'll venture to say that music is God. It makes us who we are.

Okay, I'm done for now. Thanks to whoever started this whole thing. It's
nice to go way out there every now and again


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