Hey, maybe you've reformed and are touring and no-one's told you yet!
In the early '80s I was in a thrash punk band called 'The Gun Glub'. After
months of struggling to build a name for ourselves locally, another band
with the same name pops up (from England, I think) - they were much better,
and much more widely known, so we more or less *had* to change our name.
Actually, I think our band just faded away, anyway.
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Date: Fri, 13 Oct 1995 06:24:03 +1000
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To: acid-jazz@ucsd.edu
From: mw@eis.net.au (Marc Wright)
Subject: Re: Audio Active.
Cc: Erik.Boralv@CMD.UU.SE
>You have *got* to go to this show! It will be a profound
>experience for you, I am sure. Audio Active are part of
>the On-U sound crew. And unless I'm mistaken, Tackhead
>will also be appearing on this tour.
>If you're not familiar with On-U sound, they play the most
>f*cked-up dub on the planet. Even if you're not a reggae
>fan, you will like this. Trust me.
Yep, you're right - It's Audio Active, Tackhead, Adrian Sherwood, and Mark
Stewart, and the tour's called 'On-U Out of Control'. And, I've taken your
recommendations before, Mark, and you haven't failed me yet, so I'll
probably wander along for a look. Thanks.