Raw Stylus - what happened??

Marc Wright (mw@eis.net.au)
Sat, 14 Oct 1995 22:50:06 +1000

One of the main reasons I found myself eventually getting into this sort of
music was a magazine called 'Soul CD' which came with a CD on the cover. On
the CD with Volume 6 (I think) was the song 'Use Me' by Raw Stylus - I heard
this and thought it was *exactly* the music I wanted to get into. And I've
played it at least once a week ever since. And I've been waiting desperately
for an album.

But, today I saw the filmclip for a song of theirs (can't remember the
name), and, man, was I disappointed. Entirely different, soulier, more
mainstream sort of sound. Nothing like the weird shit that 'Use Me' was.

What happened to them? Why did they change so drastically? Smacks of a
sell-out to commercial acceptability to me.


PS. Actually, 'Use Me' is the *only* song of theirs I've ever heard, so, as
far as I know, it may have been the odd song out, and they've always sounded
like this one I heard today..