Re: new musician intro

fingers (
Mon, 11 Sep 1995 13:42:42 -0700

>no, this is not so, and thank you for insulting a large number of artists.
>sounds like you need to rework your criteria, cuz by your own admission
>and using your standards (opinions), acid-jazz is not what you like, yet
>you kinda dig it. thank you for kinda digging us boring old hedz.
>go to some shows, guy, some good shows, and get back to me.
>2+2 is a formula, so is E=mc2; one'll get you into 1st grade, the other
>into the nature of the universe. Musical formulas are the same way, from
>merely useful to earth-shattering in the right interpretation and

well here we go. I asked for some help iffi I am wrong and I get 2+2 is a
formula. I guess you cant actually help, that aiaint to constructive now
is it? By formula, I mean musical formula you know, Like, head, bridge,
interlude, head bridge, .. you know. Standards are formula. barry
aManilow tunes are formual.. see now do you get it.. The formula I hear
for your acid jazz, IS A FORMULA kiddies... and it is a much siimpler one
than fusion or Jazz with a capital J. It IS more accesible.. doesnt make
it bad. or anything else. It just IS what it IS. Hey, I dig deep grooves
as much as anyopne else.. I am not so sure what the big fus is that gets
you all wet. Thats all I am saying. It aint that new you know?