
JASON BRANCAZIO (jbrancazio@mail.hamquist.com)
13 Sep 1995 17:40:03 -0800

picked up this flyer last nite:

I thought Ronny Jordan was part of the Guru gang....and I've heard Zachary Breux, he sounds like RJ or RJ sounds like him....does it strike anyone else as strange that they would pinch-hit for each other? Has anyone seen Zachary Breux live, or given his album a good listen (I was at a Tower listening station a year ago the only time I heard his stuff)

Jay B

hosted by Guru and featuring
Donald Byrd
Rubin Williams
Zachary Breux
Willie and
Derrick from The Solsonics... plus other special guests.

Saturday September 23. Live @ Metro 11:30pm/18&over
3730 N. Clark. Chicago. 312-549-0203