Sampler CD: my .02 francs

Nicolas Bamberski (
Fri, 22 Sep 95 11:06:39 CDT

* about the title: I like the word formula. I like the at-sign, and a lot of
people read it as "a" and not "at". I wouldn't use the word jazz in the
title. so, my proposal for the title would be:


which, with Ben List's impressive design skills (you should see his Knob
mag!), could read both as "the net formula" (we're all netters right?) and
as "the neat formula" (cauz it sure as hell gonna be neat!). Some might even
read it as "the next formula" (we are the future). Or "the nest formula"
where we mix our eggs together... well I'll stop here :)

* about the content: I would say no style restrictions, however the length
of the tracks should be restricted to 70min/nbr_of_tracks. say if we have 15
contributors it'd be 4+min for each, which would translate good to vinyl too :)

* I would dedicate the CD to Greg "BoyTeen" Beuthin, cauz if it weren't for
him, well all this wouldn't happen. (FYI: Greg is the founder of the
acid-jazz list and has maintained it for a coupla years till leaving to
Europe recently and being replaced by Erik). If anyone could get in touch
with him to tell him about this project, I'm sure he would be proud.

* If there's a potential for a big demand for the CD, or if the contributors
would like lotsa copies to promote their work, there's a place around here
that does 1000 CDs for $1.50 each. it's the same place that dupped my tape
and they are serious/fast/honnest...

* If there are too many contributors, maybe geographical collaboration would
be a good idea. like a chicago crew (Mark Bowen, Mark Westov, Giles Bowkett,
bambi, and maybe rob davies if he wants to drive down from madison with his
bass), and a SF crew, etc... I guess we'll know when James comes back and
makes his official request for proposals.

what do you think?

dj bambi - chicago
312-918-9087 for bookings/events info and anonymous
insults or love messages (it's a voice-mail)...
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