NYC-area AJers

Fischbarg, Victor (
Mon, 25 Sep 95 11:18:00 EDT

If you're not already on my list to hear about my NYC-area events, please
feel free to contact me:


Our next Acid Jazz Night is coming up 9/30 with Inviolate, Brooklyn Funk
Essentials, and the JazzHole...
Contact me for more info so I don't upset everybody here!

For those of you everywhere (I was surprised to meet people from all over
Europe) who made it to my sold-out CMJ Acid Jazz Night earlier this month, I
have heard unanimously that CMJ attendees found that night at the Knitting
Factory to be the most unique and booty-shaking of the Festival and wished
there could have been more acid jazz represented. Why not? Ah, let's
remember that nowadays we are gracious visitors to this Alternative Rock
universe we live in, that's why -- booty-shaking or not.

Keeping funk alive,

Victor E.