Re: No Subject, the subject
Mon, 8 Apr 1996 17:54:32 -0400

Hello, I am steven Hixson
I am just writing this to avoid lurking for too long. also I try to keep
messages short so you can get through the massive daily mailbag without much
I enjoy this list because it gives me some extra sensory perception to work
with instead of just blowing my mind or wasting time with chemically prepared
sensory perception relief substances. anyway I have strong interest in
anything origional and I am a commited reading list browser. I read the list
just to get a scope on what's new and what's in. I would like to thank
contributors for keeping me involved and origionally interested. I wrtote
this to let you know kind of who I am and why I read like I do. thanks for
reading this. also, I am keeping an eye out for a freind for origional or
standardised music scores that kind and generous origional artists write for
the same reasons. new material is always the best in the realm of a mundane
and repetative society, I feel this way about much. so, thank you all for
paying to contribute such wonderful creativity.
Steven Hixson
Lakewood, Co