Re: "Jamiroquai-esque"

Jordan Feinman (
Tue, 16 Apr 1996 15:37:58 -0400 (EDT)

> jo> I'm an avid fan of acid jazz, funk, and music with a REAL, genuine,
> jo> groove.

> as opposed to a FAKE groove? ;)

There's mediocre groove (aka popcorn groove), and then there's REAL
groove. It's something that really can't be explained... the music just
falls into a crack and just...gets you going.

> jo> Now, I haven't heard much on this order except for
> jo> Jamiroquai. I have both of their albums, and I must say, they can
> jo> manage to HIT a groove and STAY there. Since I have been extremely
> jo> pleased with both of Jamiroquai's CDs, a relative of mine suggested I
> jo> pick up "The Brand New Heavies" Brother Sister CD. In my opinion, they
> jo> just can't "hit that groove" like Jamiroquai can.
> jo> I'm looking forsomething that has just as powerful a groove as Jamiroquai
> jo> (and is as talented). Are there any comparable groups out there?

> i hear groove collective's new record is good, and there's always incognito...

Thanks... I'll check it out.

Jordan Feinman System Operator
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