Re: new releases-list ????

Jason Brancazio (
21 Apr 1996 20:28:14 -0900

Reply to: RE>new releases-list ????

Dear Groove Attack,

Having subscribed to this list for a while now I'd say that the only thing that could possibly provoke a negative reaction is if your postings are commercial in nature, and since you have clearly indicated that this is not necessarily for business purposes (although it may have positive financial effects), I do believe that most people here would be quite interested in receiving your info (especially since it does at least have 10 or 12 word reviews). My one suggestion would be to maybe eliminate the house and hip hop from your list, or order it in such a way that the musics shown in the list are the ones most applicable to those discussed on this list. If people really have some trouble with the fact that you run a business, you could always delete the reference to your store at the end of the message, but I really don't think that that will be the case here. Personally, I would be quite excited to receive the list, though incredibly depressed once I see just how much st!
uff is coming out and how little it is possible to buy....

Don't let the fact that you haven't received many replies prevent you from sending it either, send it until a significant number of people indicate that they are opposed to it, and notify us if that should be the case. I really think that since we all deal with 15 unsubscribe postings a week nobody will mind one message chock full of info coming to their mailboxes....

Most importantly, thank you for your consideration before deciding to permanently send us your information, I'm sure that that will make it that much more openly embraced.

Jay B