Fwd: Money Mark Interview (Thread?)

Mon, 19 Aug 1996 21:40:11 -0400

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Subj: Re: Money Mark Interview (Thread?)
Date: 96-08-19 21:39:36 EDT
From: Allbluev
To: jbrancazio@mail.hamquist.com

It's no secret that the improvizational element in hip hop holds many things
in common with jazz which is why the hybrid works so well. The strongest
rappers IMHO are the ones who know their history and have a passionate
delivery without having to rely on wave your hands in the air...tradition
mixed with urban "now" urgency makes for a much more lasting impression. The
same goes for jazz chops, you have to know the old stuff but you've got to
have the "now" chops too.

Deborah Brand