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This is just a big phat plug for San Diego music, and my project
JUST HAPPENS to be there. This is KSDM.com where you can hear the
best of SD groups.
My group JUST HAPPENS to be THAT PHAT and we are on there as well.
Here's the link, please enjoy, and any comments on my project (which JUST
HAPPENS to be on this site) should be directed to
Welcome to Pick 'Em...
-- Derek Tarr Productions THAT PHAT website at http://www2.connectnet.com/users/dtprod e-mail to dtprod@connectnet.com P.O. Box 965-Cardiff-CA-92007--------------31221AF4F13 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline; filename="pickem.html"
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Welcome to KSDM: Pick 'em!
Welcome to the world's first local-artists only online radio station:
This page lets you pick any track off a CD from a growing number of San Diego musicians. Over 570 songs now available! Contact webmaster@sdam.com to get your band on KSDM - local San Diego artists only!
World Premiere CD Release
Hear it here first!Superunloader - "Goes #2" Mother the Maze No Particular Motive Jumpin Off Mac's Tune Pockets Speechless Yella Werms Bottom Feeder Don't Be Denied 3000° to the Wood Fitch's Manatune #5
Compilations San Diego Music Awards CD Conglomerate Wonder Woman Sprung Monkey Segunda Rust Perhaps Blink-182 Wasting Time Unwritten Law Superman Country Dick Montana Indigo Rider Jewel Foolish Games Unsteady Joanna the Rugburns Better Be Careful Below San Onofre Sweat Engine Destroy4U Tit Wrench Pit Bull with AIDS ARTEFAKTO Omniplato Pain Emission QuickSlot Bostich Vectoria Fire Retro Tech Spanish Fly Things With Knobs When I Get That Lovin Feelin Behind The Orange Curtain Exec U Grip Geiger Sweat Engine Need Some Secret Secret People Go Out Bostich Curso de la Vida Apparition Distant Direct Ford Proco Abzeichnen hans jorgen fjellestad her little bird Oricom Critical Error (Does Not Compute) Ford Proco MTH Sweat Engine Need Some Ambiant ARTEFAKTO Intro --------------31221AF4F13--