Re: headhunters-survival of

Jason Brancazio (
24 Dec 1996 16:14:51 -0800

Reply to: RE>headhunters-survival of the fittest for sale

hey sakis ( I think that was your name)

I don't mean to be rude or anything...this message is just to let you know
that this list doesn't take too kindly to repeated solicition.

Plugging a band you're involved with personally, especially if some portion of
the mails you send to the list *aren't* plugs, has seemingly emerged as
acceptable within this forum, at least if approbation is measured by silence.

There are other markets, however, for the sale of used vinyl, and if you
repeatedly try to use this as one, there will most certainly be other list
members who will not like it and respond in a similar manner, perhaps more

The purchase and sale of used vinyl is a vital part of what this list is
about; in fact, if it weren't for this phenomenon, some of the music we talk
about on this list, which is so influenced by past musics, may not have even
come to fruition! Promoting the sale and purchase of used vinyl is a
worthwile cause simply because it has the inadvertent effect of musical

Promoting uncluttered discussion of such music is equally as important to many
list members.

Hoping you take these thoughts into consideration before you send your next

Jay B