Re: Sorry!

William Dwyer (
Wed, 25 Dec 96 10:09:45 -0500

>I have been informed that sale posts are inappropriate, and I apologise
>for posting Re: the Headz II boxes. I don't typically send "for sale"
>posts, except on rare occasions when I get stuck with something extra
>(having said that, I just realised that I also posted a "for sale" to
>sell the Harlem Drive CD which didn't do it for me, but hopefully that
>was a bit more appropriate given that I bought the CD in response to a
>list member's review, and then decided I didn't like it enough to keep

I don't understand the problem here. While I haven't sold anything
through the list, I've made at least one trade and bought many great CDs
from list members who have advertized here. I look forward to such
opportunities because I can fill in gaps in my collection at less than
retail prices and pick up things that I can't obtain locally. It doesn't
take that much bandwidth for someone to post a message saying they have
CDs or vinyl for sale and to email them for the list, or indicating web
sites for such. I just received a CD in the mail yesterday from a list
member and it's always a pleasure to anticipate receiving things in the
mail that I've requested. I hope the recent postings don't discourage
listees from announcing items they wish to sell or trade. If there's a
better way to find out about the kind of music we like that's available
from list members, let me know what it is, or just add my email address
to your list if you periodically have items for sale. Thanks.
