Re: The OTHER album controversy

Francis Chan (
Fri, 16 Feb 1996 08:53:30 -0700

>>>Well, maybe it's not as much of a controversy, but when Don't Smoke In
>>>Bed came out, it was certainly a change from the previous albums - not
>>>a great change, but the strings were a sign that maybe the Trio format
>>>was starting to pale... anybody else's thoughts? I imagine most people
>>>here first heard Holly through Don't Smoke in Bed. How do you feel about
>>>it compared with the previous albums? Superior?
>Strings might have just meant that the label gave her a bigger studio
>budget. I didn't think Don't Smoke In Bed differed much from Blame It On
>My Youth or Girl Talk in the sense that Holly's singing had a quirky spark
>to it. Temptation just doesn't have the same spark or a jazz feel.

I agree that Temptation doesn't have the same spark or jazz feel because I
think it's a different kind of album (does anyone say album anymore?). Upon
first listen, I hated it. However, after many repeated listenings, it grew
on me. Also, the fact that they are Tom Waites songs may reflect the feel
of the album.

As to DSIB, BIOMY, and GT - I think DSIB is my favourite because, as Steve
said, she has a more quirky, loose, spontaneous command of her voice.