Re: AJ in commercials

Simon Brown (
Tue, 09 Jan 1996 10:18:11 +0000

>However, as much as I believe this, one
>example clearly to the contrary, was KFC's use of US3's Cantaloop ...
>showing that if you mess around with something enough, it will lose it's
>shine. Still, if it encouraged anyone to buy the album, then that is surely a
>positive thing ...
>Sqva J

It encouraged people to come up to me during and after gigs and say, "Hey,
isn't that the KFC ad. you were playing?" AAARRRGGGHHH!!!

Still I guess that's not as bad as last night - in a jazz jam at my
university union someone came up to me IN THE MIDDLE of my guitar solo in
All Blues and asked me if I knew any jungle beats... (I'm not putting down
jungle, but there's a time and a place for everything and it isn't during my


Simon Brown
UCL Geology (2nd year)