Joseph David Prosser (joep@craysys.co.uk)
Tue, 09 Jan 96 13:15:39 GMT

Simon wrote:
>Heard a rather good tune on Jazz FM the other day. I can't remember what the
>DJ said it was. It starts with sampled vocals saying, "Are you sitting
>comfortably? Good, then we'll begin".
>It also has excellent drumming - the fills seem to go on for a bar or two
>too long except they fit perfectly and you that funny tingly feeling in your
>back when you KNOW that this is just too funky.

IZIT it is, 'stories' is the track title, asherly I juss bought it second
hand lass month... its ace, I love the mix with the line 'if while your
dancing round, your eyes meet somebody else's, juss smile an say hello...'
