Re: Wake Up Folks!

John Schauer (
Wed, 10 Jan 96 15:25:56 CST (dan patrick) 1/10/96 10:14 AM Writes:

>Listen people, its not jazz OR ACID JAZZ if there are no players.
>I dont care if you have ten DJs and fifteen samplers, you need interaction
>between MUSICIANS. Now this umbrella term "Acid Jazz" covers everything
>from elevator to ambient and its just not real! DJs with musicians are cool
>but you can throw your samplers in the ocean because you are not writing
>you're stealing. Im sick of seeing peoples jaws drop when they see a couple
>BIG FUCKING DEAL! Support the players.

After throwing my sampler in the ocean and swearing off DJ's I burned
my turntables and cd player cuz I don't wanna listen to any fake
"recorded" music. Smash your machines and support live music!

- J Schauer