RE: DP Article a while back
Fischbarg, Victor (
Wed, 24 Jan 96 11:54:00 EST
Deborah: My theory on this - maybe it didn't start a thread because, though
it was fairly long, the author's thesis was simply that she had a problem
with the separatist, and often hateful, lyrics the group uses and maybe most
people didn't feel the need to comment beyond that...hopefully because most
of us feel the same way and it's like preaching to the choir already.
Not to split hairs -- but wouldn't that article have actually been left of
center if it advocated taking revolutionary (and often communist) stances
against the it said the Digable Planets do?
What was left of center about the author's desire that one group not tear
down another?
Just food for thought...
Victor E.
I'm really surprised a thread didn't weave out of that fairly long, and
fairly provocative DP article a while back. Did no one else read it or was
it just way too left of center for words?
Deborah Brand