Madrid, Mexico

Jean MULEY (74052.3346@CompuServe.COM)
18 Jul 96 20:53:04 EDT

Hi everybody!

3 years ago I went to see US3 live in Madrid (funny atmosphere, nobody was
really aware of what a-j meant, plenty of people dresses in a "The Cure" way...)
They played basically "hand on the torch", but what I preferred was a track
beginning with a talked rap and then the first chords of Blue Train (by John
Coltrrane, but in concert it wasn't sampled, oc). Does anybody know if this
track has already been released? It will be hard for me to get it, since I have
left France -I'm from Paris- in order to work in Mexico, and Tower Records is
not the dreamt place for finding good stuff, but anyway thank you for your
comments. Anybody who knows about good places to buy/listen to live music around

Thanx in advance,

no mamen, gueyes,
