Free Tibet/Freak Power

Kris Oprisko (
17 Jun 96 10:31:02 -0700

Free Tibet/Freak Power
6/17/96 10:22 AM
Just returned to San Diego from the Free Tibet concert. Anyone else check=
it out? Bjork was incredible - I have no idea how she got such a great b=
ass sound in an outdoor venue. The Goldie influence was definately felt o=
n her music, with some jungle breaks thrown into the songs. Quest also ab=
solutely ripped shit, and De La came off great except Pos had mic problem=
s at one point.

I also picked up Freak Power at the Virgin Megastore - but I've got a que=
stion. There were two copies there which looked absolutely identical, wit=
h the same track listing, but one was $26 and the other was $34. I bought=
the cheaper one, so did I make a smart buy or miss out on something?
