The Wiseguys:Executive Suite (Wall of Sound WALLCD008)
Excellent stuff for ewery trippy jazz head. Abstract jazzy fat=20
beatz with a touch. Maybe not as good as the first single, The
real wibes, but still something over the ordinary. Nothing from=20
Ninja Cut (who seems to be popular on the list) can touch this one.
Just buy it!!!!
E.M & I. : Heavenly (99Records 1600)
Know nothing about it. Japanese jazzy stuff. Nice fat beatz with=20
a crazy saxophone. Unfortunatley only 6 songs but well worth the
Monday Michiru:jazzbrat (Verve, Kitty records)
I know Eric has been recomending this one. I dont disagree. Its
excellent stuff. Cool......
Beck:Odelay (Geffen GED24926)
Ok, it=B4s not A-J, but still it=B4s great! Crazy mixture of blues,
rock, jazz, beatz and whatever else you can think of. I never (for
some reason) really liked his first one, but this surley kicks ass.
Sampling list includes Bernard Purdies "Soul Drum" and "Song for
Aretha", James Browns "Out of sight". The album is produced by the
original Dust Brothers (think Beastie Boys Paul=B4s Boutiqe).
Listen and weep, this is one original genius.
The Specials:singles
Collection of The Specials singles. Ok, nothing new but still great.
Dusty Springfield:The silver collection
Wonderfull even though I already got most of the material.
Have a nice day or two :)