Re: Re(2): the trip-hop/hip-hop thing

Matthew Robert Chicoine (
Wed, 19 Jun 1996 17:27:18 -0400 (EDT)

Yikes! We can't drop the trip-hop shit, can we? Its a rough area, because
a lot of us see hip-hop as universal, dynamic, different, etc. and the
term "trip-hop" poses a threat to that hip-hop worldview. To others,
differentiating the two is useful because it reinforces a concrete, and
in my opinion, formulaic and purist view of hip-hop. Either way you look
at it, you're gonna run into a heap of terminology, and interpretive,
problems. Important discussion, though (even though "trip-hop"-the term- is
for the most part dead). Hip-hop is universal whether you realize it or
not. It has touched and influenced people socially, culturally, and
musically in every corner of the globe. With that reality in mind, it
seems contradictory to bind hip-hop with the ties that are dictated by
the US music industry. But keep arguing. Peace and respect to all-
Matt C
PS The Source = MTV