
Gen Kanai (gkanai@earthlink.net)
Tue, 5 Nov 1996 23:35:09 -0800

Whoa! What an amazing comp! That Vibert track is unreal, especially at
the beginning and end...
There are many old favorites here but a few names I dont recognize-
Anyone know more about:
Donut Productions,
Innerzone Orchestra,
MAX 404 (this track was on The Future Sound of Jazz, no?),
Zimbabwe Legit,

These are all new to me- great stuff though...

Does anyone have the Headz 2a? I heard that there was a 2a that was
recalled or something like that? I only have access to 2b...glad I found
it though.

I also overheard that the Shadow full-length is coming out in the states on
Hows about the Dust Bros. album?
Hows about the Palmskins disc- anyone heard a US release date for Remelixir?

Any news about new sounds from the Nightmares crew? I'm dying for more...

Anyone in the SF Bay area corroborate that your mainstream rock station is
spinning DJ Shadow? (Dunno if anyone on this list would listen to the
mainstream stations) that'd be pretty huge- good and bad at the same

Gen Kanai - <gkanai@earthlink.net>

We stood before it and began to freeze from exertion.
We questioned the painting, berated it, made love to it, prayed to it:
We called it mother, called it whore and slut, called it our beloved,
called it Abraxas...                                -- Hesse, Demian