ghurd@mcgraw-hill.com wrote:
> I don't know about the others, but Future Soul on Quango is a pretty
> good compilation. It's all continuously mixed, though I don't think
> the mixing is anything special. Of course the mixing isn't the point
> of the album, so that's not a big deal.
> There's a good mixture of songs. I was especially happy to see some
> Larry Heard/Mr. Fingers tracks on it. They also included the vocal
> version of a Young Disciples' song that was not included on the Road
> to Freedom album (if memory serves correctly). It's basically a
> mellow, soulful album probably worth the $12.99, or whatever its
> price.
> -- gordon
> ______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
> Subject: Reviews of...
> Author: Dana Cobbs <dcobbs@sequiturcorp.com> at CCNODE
> Date: 11/20/96 12:35 PM
> Just wanted to get some opinion b4 I buy the following:
> Project 23 23 Dorado
> Soundscape Lifeforce Instinct
> Future Soul Quango
> West Side Players
> Thanks!
> D.