Aleem's "Why Hawaii?"

Pedro Cevallos (
Mon, 25 Nov 1996 15:07:54 -0500 (EST)

I just picked up Aleem's "Why Hawaii?" on Concrete/Pro-Zak Trax. It has 5
penguins on the front cover and 3 metallic suitcases in the back one.
Both tracks are really good and significantly different than anything I
would dare to label. They both have a recurring sample that shouts "Flex
and relax". The A side track begins with some Hawaiian music and slowly
builds up to some interesting bass lines and of course the loop "Flex and
relax". Good record. Has anybody else heard it? Any comments?


Pedro Cevallos

"For as long as hope remains and meaning is preserved, the possibility of
overcoming oppression stays alive.  The self-fulfilling prophesy of the
nihilistic threat is that without hope there can be no future, that
without meaning there can be no struggle"

-- Cornel West -- Finger for PGP key.