New stuff.....and more

Mon, 25 Nov 1996 19:19:44 -0500 (EST)

Hey everyone--it's Frank
I was wondering if anyone out there has heard the disc put
out by a group named Morcheeba? It is in the acid jazz section
at our store, and I checked it out the other night. It is
mellow groovish (I only heard it once, and I was busy working,
so I can't recall much other than that at this particular point
in time). I am wondering what others think of this group (whom
I have never heard of before)

ALSO, those of you in the Carolinas:
MedesAlso: Those of you in the Carolina region--
Medeski Martin and Wood will be playing in North Carolina and
the surrounding region in December. Be sure to look for them if
you haven't seen them (and try to tie your ass on with some
tight rope, cause it just might fall off while you're shakin
it). THey will be at BE HERE NOW (I think that's the name) in
Asheville, NC on the 6th, and at the CAT'S CRADLE in Carborro,
NC (near Chapel Hill) on December 8th.....I hope to see you
there. Write it down.
Other than my hoping that this post is legible because my
computer is fucking up, I just want to thank everyone again for
responding to my plea for promos for my acid jazz show....the
last show KICKED ASS, and the next should be even
better.....keep groovin, yall...