Mail sorters

Carl Cranstone (
Thu, 17 Oct 1996 22:53:18 +0930

<snips> But... if you are being overwhelmed by your e-mail intake, ... look
for an e-mail program
which sorts messages based on content. I'm not sure which programs these
are (or what
> platform you're on for that matter...) but I've seen CCmail by lotus have
> this option (it's not an internet e-mail program however), and I suspect
> Eudora Pro does too... so I'd guess that if one doesn't exixst for your
> computer now... one will soon.
> Peace,
> Lo-Ki

Eudora PRO definately does. The Internet Mail that comes with Microsoft's
IExplorer does as well. ccMAIL has really good rules-based filtering (I
think the "mobile" version is useable on the net(?)), the later versions of
Pegasus email also sort. I use the Internet Mail that comes with MS
Explorer release 3 (I think they measure these releases in the thousands
these days!) - like the browser, it is free but you need a PC running
Win95 or WinNT. ( & follow the directories to find your
platform & "Mail" directory.