
Jason Brancazio (
18 Apr 1997 12:50:13 -0700

Reply to: Vadim

The old Vadim album? uhm... to my knowlegde, USSR Repertoire is his only
album... The only thing ive ever seen or heard that came out earlier
than "USSR.." is the 12" Nonlatheral Hypothesis/London Mindstate wich i
looove ! ! ! IF there actually is a old vadim album (not on Ninjatune?)
then PWLIIS let me know where and how to get ahold of it!

Vadim has at least a couple of others out, I'm not exactly sure of the title
of the first one but the second is a 12" with about 10 tracks called "Headz
Ain't Ready". Both are the first two releases on Jazz Fudge, his label I
believe, and he also did the production on the Jazz Fudge release (#4) by
Little Aida, which is a pretty dope female-vocal led hip hop 12". The "Headz
Ain't Ready" release is very similar to U.S.S.R. Repotoire stylistically, all
downtempo freaky stuff. There's one on there called "The Breakz" which has
some guy with a funny, low voice talking about the breakz, not to be confused
with the b-r-a-k-e-s, a device commonly used to inhibit motion and work
against inertia or something like that. The beat on that track is real cool
too, dropping water over thick, punchy snares at about 60-70 bpm.

I always found Vadim/Jazz Fudge inspiring on a DIY tip because I felt that
those releases might have been at least part of what led him to get signed on
Ninja Tune (any more to add, Ninjas?)

Jay B