FW: NYC ONLY aug.8 (fri) Ron Ayers

Araya, Juan Carlos (jaraya@lucent.com)
Wed, 6 Aug 1997 11:41:25 -0400

Was at SOBs last Saturday night. The SAMBA percussionists were there.
Its was excellent. A most see. Unfortunately the Jungle DJs were not
there that night.


>From: Jeremy Hollister[SMTP:jeremy@master.mte.com]
>Sent: Wednesday, August 06, 1997 9:56 AM
>To: acid-jazz@ucsd.edu
>Cc: acid-jazz@ucsd.edu
>Subject: NYC ONLY aug.8 (fri) Ron Ayers
>Just noticed that Ron Ayers is going to be at SOBs this Fri.
>Anyone going?