Re: Fujees sampling ABBA
Michael Bolotin (
Mon, 10 Feb 1997 14:54:43 -0500 ()
> There is NOTHING wrong with any kind of music other than someone being a bit
> deaf to it. Listen for something you like in the music you're hearing
> rather than listening for music you like -- there's a HUGE difference.
> Don't you see that's why you've heard these things as samples? The people
> sampling listened for something they liked in the music and used it. You'd
> never have gotten those great songs mixed that way if they thought those
> songs were wack. Once you learn to make the differentiation, *no* music
> will suck -- you'll either like it or be indifferent to it (you'll just
> think it's making sound at the moment). Those songs ain't wack. *I* like
> them enough to have bought the bleeding records. And I *like* the Mamas and
> Papas thank you very much. I can't think of any music that I actively
> dislike ...
I agree with you on this, even if some of the music is "cheesy"